"COVID-19" issue of Visions Journal, 2020, 16 (2), p. 48
Reprinted from theInformation about COVID-19 benefits and services
- Government of Canada: www.canada.ca/covid-19
- Government of BC: www.gov.bc.ca/covid-19
Information about COVID-19 and how to stay safe
- BC Centre for Disease Control: www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19
Mental Health information, resources, and courses
- Coping With COVID-19 from Anxiety Canada: www.anxietycanada.com/covid-19
- Stay Well from the Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division: cmha.bc.ca/covid-19
- Bounce Back course (by phone or online) for low mood, stress and anxiety: bouncebackbc.ca
- COVID-19 Psychological First Aid Service from the BC Psychological Association: www.psychologists.bc.ca/covid-19-resources
- Moving Forward Family Services low-barrier and low-cost counselling (online or by phone): mffs.ca
- Kelty’s Key for free virtual self-help and therapy: www.keltyskey.com
- Wellness Together Canada for mental health and substance use resources, support and counselling: ca.portal.gs
- Foundry in-person and virtual supports for young people ages 12-24: foundrybc.ca
- Family Caregivers of BC for virtual support, the Caregiver Support Line, and other supports for people who care for a loved one: www.familycaregiversbc.ca
- Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre resources for parents, caregivers, and young people: keltymentalhealth.ca
- Confident Parents Thriving Kids phone coaching for parents and caregivers of children who experience anxiety or behaviour challenges: www.confidentparents.ca
- Strong Minds Strong Kids for resources for children, youth, and caregivers www.strongmindsstrongkids.org
Phone lines and virtual support available 24/7
- If you have thoughts of suicide or are concerned about a loved one: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE)
- BC Mental Health Support Line for referrals to local services or a friendly ear when you just need to talk to someone: 310-6789 (no area code)
- Hope For Wellness Helpline for Indigenous people by phone or online: 1-855-242-3310 or www.hopeforwellness.ca
- Kids Help Phone for support for children and youth to age 20: 1-800-668-6868 or kidshelpphone.ca
- BC211 to find community resources like the Safe Seniors Strong Communities Program for older adults who need help with non-medical essentials, food banks, financial assistance, mental health and substance use care, and more: 2-1-1 or bc211.ca
Support for health care workers
- BCare For Caregivers mental health supports: www.careforcaregivers.ca
- Care To Speak phone and online peer support: 1-866-802-7337 (PEER) or www.careforcaregivers.ca/caretospeak
- Provincial Health Services Authority Mobile Response Team mental health supports: call 1-888-686-3022 or email MRT@phsa.ca