"Workplace Bullying and Harassment" issue of Visions Journal, 2020, 15 (4), p. 44
From theWorkSafeBC
Find information on bullying and harassment at work, learn what to do if you experience bullying, and learn what’s expected of employers. The resource toolkit includes books and guides, fact sheets, videos, and a training tool. To report or ask questions about safety concerns, you can call the WorkSafe Prevention Information Line at 604-276-3100 (in the Lower Mainland) or 1-888-621-7233 (in the rest of BC).
BCFED Health & Safety Centre
Learn about psychologically healthy workplaces, take courses like Workplace Bullying and Harassment, learn more about your rights, and training resources and supports for employees, employers, and occupational health and safety committees.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Learn more about workplace hazards like violence and discrimination, take a course to help you respond to bullying or harassment at work (including bullying or harassment from customers), and find podcasts on responding to and preventing bullying.
National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
Voluntary guidelines to help organizations prevent harm and promote good mental health at work, plus guides and tools to help you implement the Standard in your own workplace. Learn more about the 13 factors of psychological health and safety in the workplace including Civility and Respect, Psychological Demands, and Psychological Protection. The Mental Health Commission of Canada also offers resources and training opportunities to help people stay well and respond to mental health concerns at work.
BC Human Rights Clinic
Information and training for businesses and workplaces on human rights in BC, including preventing, investigating and responding to harassment and creating a respectful, inclusive and discrimination-free workplace. For those who have filed a human rights complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal, the Clinic offers legal services. To talk to a human rights lawyer or legal advocate for general information about human rights law, you can schedule a free 30-minute appointment through the Short Service Clinic.
Ending Violence Association of BC
Information about gender-based violence, resources and supports for people who experience violence, and violence prevention programs. You’ll also find Gender-Based Violence, Harassment, and Bullying: Workplace Policy Guidelines for Response and Prevention to help workplaces respond to and prevent gender-based violence and bystander training specifically for people who work in natural resources.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Resources to help employees and employers manage their mental health and well-being at work, recognize and respond to bullying and other harms, address conflict at work, and support everyone. You’ll also find tools, reports, and other education and training resources.