PDF | EPUB | Vol. 17, No. 3 (2022)
Work can be a source of purpose, meaning, community, or a reason to get up and out the door in the morning. But life at work can be complicated and workers often navigate stressful work environments, unrealistic expectations, bullying, harassment, and discrimination, among other challenges. When these challenges occur, work can worsen mental health and substance use problems or contribute to the start of an illness. This issue of Visions highlights different paths and approaches to finding balance and creating wellness through the ups and down of work. You’ll learn from a paramedic navigating trauma through a pandemic, a teacher supporting a community through online learning, a freelancer tackling the gig economy, a community outreach worker and advisor who learned the importance of rest and recovery, a newcomer who learned to share their struggles with colleagues, and more.
The Big Picture
Editor's Message
(Kamal Arora) -
Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: Where do we go from here?
(Merv Gilbert) -
Workplace Accommodations: Answers to some frequently asked questions
(Julie Menten)
Stories + Strategies
The Pandemic Paramedic
(Heather Rose) -
Workplaces That Thrive
(Lucette Wesley) -
Lesson Planning: Supporting students in an evolving pandemic
(Patricia) -
Workplace Well-Being in a Digital World: Nature-inspired solutions
(Rana Van Tuyl) -
Freelance or freefall? The benefits and perils of independent work
(Marguerite Pigeon) -
Stress Overload: Life and workplace demands collide to form the perfect storm
(Chris Lamoureux) -
I Straddle Two Worlds at a Time
(Neha Bhattacharya)
Looking Ahead: Living Your Best-ish Life
PSSD Changed My Life